DMM Focus Swivel

$ 139.95 CAD


PLEASE NOTE:  Product temporarily unavailable due to DMM Safety Recall

The recall is being handled by DMM directly.   Should you have a unit(s) that is/are affected, please remove it/them from service immediately and Click Here to complete a Recall Form with DMM.   They will advise you of next steps for the exchange or refund of your unit(s). 

Retro-fittable swivel convertors. The two way locking spindle in the shackle allows connection to fixed loops such as wire strops, rigging plates, and harness bridges. The fixed eye can be clipped (with a Prest-in configuration aid if needed), spliced in, swaged in, etc. as required. Available in two shackle sizes depending on the loading requirements. The small D shaped shackle keeps single attachments neat and predictable whereas the increased size of the bow-shaped shackle allows complex set ups to be achieved by catering for loading across the shackle.