DMM Director Swivel Eye

$ 108.95 CAD


PLEASE NOTE:  Product temporarily unavailable due to DMM Safety Recall

The recall is being handled by DMM directly. Should you have a unit(s) that is/are affected, please remove it/them from service immediately and Click Here to complete a Recall Form with DMM. They will advise you of next steps for the exchange or refund of your unit(s). 


The Director Swivel Eye is a compact termination connector designed to load in the strongest orientation. Ideal for lanyards, these lightweight, versatile and strong carabiners are easy to handle and can reduce the overall length of a system.

Featuring a textile friendly, swiveling eye, our new extra short gate, a generous curve in the loading area and boasting healthy gate openings, the Director Swivel Eye can be stitched, spliced or knotted into a system or lanyard or even connected to a DMM oval with a Prestin configuration aid to create a compact, swiveling double connector.


  • Certification: EN362, 2004 T


  • Dimensions: 64 x 116mm
  • Weight: 96g
  • MBS: Major - 25kN
  • MBS: Gate Open - 9kN
  • Gate Opening: 16mm